Improving Your SkinImproving Your Skin

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Improving Your Skin

A few months ago, I realized that there were some big time issues with my skin. I was always breaking out, I felt like I was always dealing with dry skin, and I felt like my complexion was perpetually spotty. Fortunately, a friend of mine recommended a great dermatologist who really understood what I was up against. We met about once every few weeks for the first month or so, and then we transitioned into more of a maintenance routine. Now, I honestly feel like I have the best skin of my life, and it is all thanks to my dermatology team. This blog is all about improving your skin.

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Why You Should Worry About Skin Cancer

Many people go through life thinking that they are somehow immune to all of the diseases and health issues that people have warned them about over the years. One such disease is that of skin cancer. If you are one of those people that has never considered the possibility that you too can develop one of the many forms of skin cancer, it is time to get to know more about some of the reasons that you really should be concerned about skin cancer. Then, you can be sure you are doing everything in your power to protect yourself and your health going forward. 

A Person of Any Complexion Can Get Skin Cancer

One of the most common misconceptions about skin cancer is also one of the most problematic. The general belief is that people with light or pale skin are the only ones susceptible to skin cancer. However, this is inaccurate. 

It is true that a person who have fair skin and burn more easily have a higher chance of getting skin cancer than some other groups. What is not true is that people with darker complexions are immune to skin cancer. Anybody whose skin is exposed to the sun without proper protection or who uses tanning beds can develop skin cancer. 

And because many people think that darker skin protects them from skin cancer, their cancer is often far more advanced when it is detected than it would otherwise be. In fact, there is one dangerous and aggressive form of skin cancer known as acral lentiginous melanoma that people of darker complexions are more susceptible to than fair-skinned people. No person, no matter their skin tone is immune to skin cancer. 

The Statistics Are Staggering 

If the fact that anyone could potentially get skin cancer is not enough to send you to your dermatologist, the overall statistics may push you to take action. Currently, about one in five of the people in the United States will develop skin cancer at some point. 

And should you be one of the people lucky enough to reach the age of 65 or older, you will have a forty to fifty percent chance of developing skin cancer. While some forms of skin cancer tend to remain localized to the area it developed for a prolonged period of time, without treatment and care, the cancer can and likely will spread and could cause significant health problems or even death. According to statistics, melanoma (one of the forms of skin cancer) kills one American every hour. 

Luckily, there are steps you can take to prevent and treat skin cancer. The first step you will want to take is to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist for an exam and assessment. Then, depending on whether you do or do not have skin cancer, you can seek out treatment or begin taking further preventive measures to protect yourself. Visit a site like for more help.